Friday, January 27, 2006

Wine #8

Post your comments about #8 here (shit, I'm getting drunk...typing getting more difficult):

John: 65 Nose? What nose? Oh, there it is. After I put it in the centrifuge. A little bit spicy. A little bit fruity. A little bit country. A little bit rock and roll

Chris: 70. Not offensive. I could drink this on a monday or tuesday. balanced...but then it just hit me with something interesting that I can't put my finger on. like chocolate or somthing.

Molly: ugh. No.

Margaret: this one's pretty good. way better than the bad ones. a little better than the chianti at Macaroni Grill

What it is:2003 Kirralaa Merlot $4.99


Maya said...

Wait a minute. You guys have a wine blog? I want to play!

Chris said...

More the merrier! Wheee!