Five intrepid wine tasters brave the wilds of Trader Joe's discount isle, but not everything is as it seems. There is an intruder. Will our brave souls find the intruder before time runs out?
Stay tuned...
Blind tasting!
After the reveal: It turns out, the Charles Shaw was the favorite.
With the multitude of stories in the news about people who have received multiple DUIs, the increased police and legal crackdowns on drunk drivers, and the horror stories of alcohol-related fatalities it seems to me that you and other wine lovers (and wine tasters) need to get your message out to more people. Let people know that drinking wine in moderation has been shown to have many health benefits. Spread the news about the fun and good times you have experienced with wine drinking and wine tasting :-)
Disturbingly bright in the glass, there's something unappetizing about the color of this wine; this isn't a color I usually see in a glass - only in a plastic cup. There's also something too-clean, stripped about it; it has that harsh, fluorescent-lit indifference of well-filtered wines.
Thankfully, the nose is spot on and entirely correct. It smells like gloriously manipulated New World chardonnay at its finest; there are funky autolyzed yeast characteristics along with just a whiff of just-struck matches. The only thing I don't really smell is fruit: if there is any...
Wonderfully tart in the mouth, the fruit is at first ironically the only thing I notice here, a brief citrus burst of sun that quickly mutates into something slightly more tropical - pineapple, almost? - and then it's all quickly restrained by a sly two-pronged attack of creamy vanilla oak and rich, lees-y texture. It all ends on an oddly muted, somewhat soft, almost mineral note with the crisp acidity hanging around slightly like a faded halo.
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