Monday, August 27, 2007

Cabernet #8

Joe: 63. this is good. still pretty safe. smells like a Kubrickian hallway.

Maya: this one has esophagial travel. it hurts. wax vampire mouths. 52

Rebecca: I find this one very smooth. That could be the music, though. this would stand up well to spicey italian sausage with arrabiata sauce. got better!

Chris: tastes like something...grape gum. bubble yum. I think it's not bad. a little waxy. 65

Margaret: smells like alcohol. waxy thing. it really is sticking to the edges of my mouth. it's more like a zin.

Molly: this one actually burned my mouth.

Unveiled: 2004 Puzzle Time, $3.99


kosherwineshop said...

I am a wine lover as well and I totally understand your passion and taste. But try the Kosher wine- you will be surprised by its amazing taste!

Wooden Wine Racks said...

Once again shows cheap wine isn't really worth it usually. In my wine rack i usually have bottles of wine costing £15 upwards.

Unknown said...

lol i had the puzzle time before and it was quite bad as i recall. not worth 39 cents imo. sometimes those grocery outlet wines are a hit, sometimes not...
cheers, mike